IPL Photofacial

Aging is an ongoing process of change, and some of these changes are welcomed with joy, such as a baby’s first step. Other changes, however, are greeted with a less enthusiastic response, such as the appearance of more wrinkles, brown pigment or red spots. Aging skin is accelerated, in some cases, by genetics and disease, but most significantly by exposure to the sun’s UV rays. The collective description of these unwanted effects is described as photodamage. At MDLI, board-certified dermatologists use photorejuvenation on people living in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Kendall, FL, as well as other parts of South Florida, to help reverse sun damage and give your skin a more youthful look.

What is photorejuvenation?

Photorejuvenation, also called intensed pulsed light (IPL), or Broadband light (BBL), is the process of using laser and light sources for returning skin to a more youthful appearance. Therefore, effective photorejuvenation reduces wrinkles, brown pigment, red spots and improves skin texture. Intense pulsed light (IPL) is one of the best choices for reversing sun damage as it improves red spots, brown pigmentation, texture and stimulates collagen. We recommend one or two IPL treatments per year to prevent or slow down skin aging.

IPL devices are very effective for rejuvenating sun damaged skin. IPLs are able to treat pigmentation, flushing, rosacea, telangiectasia (spider veins), and enlarged pores. The use of IPL for improving skin tone and texture and mild wrinkles on the face, neck and chest is an additional benefit. IPL is a very popular non-ablative technique, meaning that it does not damage the surface of the skin. There are studies that show that IPL treatment can restore gene expression pattern of aged human skin to resemble young skin.

BBL devices are also very effective for rejuvenating sun damaged skin. There are clinical trials that show the skin that was treated with the BBL significantly altered expression level of 2,265 RNAs , of which 1,293 became “rejuvenated: after BBL treatment which means the skin is similar to the expression level of youthful skin! There are also histological evidence of decreased elastosis and more uniform collagen deposition. BBL can also create improvement in fine wrinkles, coarse wrinkles and pigmentation; also displays subjective increases in epidermal thickness.

VBeam ® Perfecta

VBeam® Perfecta is the gold standard pulsed dye laser. It is safe and effective for the treatment of vascular, pigmented and certain non-pigmented lesions with minimal side effects.

The VBeam® has an added benefit of providing consistent epidermal cooling so the treatment is very comfortable. The patented cooling system prepares skin for treatment by selectively cooling the upper layers with a burst of cryogen milliseconds before the laser pulse. With the VBeam® laser, the board-certified dermatologists of Miami Dermatology and Laser Institute can treat many different skin conditions, including telangiectasias (spider veins), keratosis pilaris (little red bumps that appear on the backs of the arms and legs), redness and rosacea.

Excel ® V

The Excel® V laser system is a state-of-the-art vascular laser technology. It can be used to effectively treat rosacea, flushing, telangiectasia or spider veins, as well as pigmented lesions. The Excel® V laser system uses a high power green laser to target abnormal blood vessels and pigment in the skin and eliminate them. The system has a highly effective cooling technology that produces continuous cooling before, during and after the laser pulse touches the skin to increase patient comfort during the procedure. With the Excel® V laser, the board-certified dermatologists of Miami Dermatology and Laser Institute are able to treat a wide range of common vascular conditions.

If you live in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Kendall, or a nearby city and would like to reduce your wrinkles, brown pigment, and/or red spots with photorejuvenation, contact Miami Dermatology and Laser Institute to schedule a consultation with one of our expert board-certified dermatologists.

Book a free consultation today